Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bad Bad Blogger

...I am bad blogger. There I said it. Bad, bad, bad. 

In the fall of last year I sustained a shoulder injury that left me with such pain, that I ended up getting frozen shoulder from it. At a point, I could barely move without searing pain, and the least pain I felt came from being flat of my back. On the floor, on the bed, on the ground, it didn't matter. I also have arthritis in my back and shoulders. So for literally 6 months I dealt with that. I would post pics to my facebook pages from my phone, laying flat of my back on the floor with my feet elevated, but sitting at my desk at my PC was IMPOSSIBLE. The pain would just feel like it was going to drop me. I nearly passed out a couple of times just from the pain. I muddled through somehow with painkillers and pain therapy and with months of rehabilitation I finally got the use of that shoulder back. Yay!! (mind you the arthritis is here to stay and will progressively get worse) but I will deal with that.

But I really struggled even before the injury with the blogger format being different on my phone, my IPad, and my PC. Three very different formats and it seemed impossible for me to figure out what the problem was. I tried everything!! I would write part of my blog posts from my phone, or from my IPad, then try to add the finishing touches and pics to a blogpost from my personal computer, but nothing really worked. The words would be very small, or VERY LARGE, and the pictures seemed to overlap and jumble and have seemingly crazy issues just posting normally. In the end, the frustration got the better of me, and I quit trying to figure it out. And if you know me, you know it's hard to put me off of something I really want to learn or figure out. I will give it many many chances before I let it derail me from my path. I do not like to give up. Just not in my DNA. 

Anyway, the injury and the problems with Blogger did detour me for awhile but I have not stopped thinking about how much I would truly like to run a successful, interesting, and well read blog. And how determined I am to keep in touch with you all, even if it's on a less frequent basis, than daily or weekly. 

Now that I have much less pain on a daily basis I am back at it, trying to do it again. But NOW the personal computer is down. Haha Murphy's Luck right?? 

No problem, I'm sitting here typing this blogpost on my phone!! And I think I will keep trying until I either spontaneously combust one day in computer rage or until I figure out Wordpress. whichever comes first. Anybody wanna place any bets?? LoL

So all excuses aside, I'm trying it again,

...and again...and again...

because I am die hard to the core. 

Keep looking for me, if you're interested. 
I have 5 Facebook pages, a Pinterest, 2 Instagram accts., a Twitter acct., 2 Tumblers and TWO BLOGS, and a few of those get really regular postings! Heheheh. I'm not going anywhere and I'm fairly easy to find online. I'm still making art every day and doing shows when I can. Please know I appreciate your follows, comments and likes. ❤️

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